Live, Laugh, Ride ... Cycling Tours since 2012

Monday Morning Funny!


We thought that we would offer something funny, well we thought it was funny, to brighten up your Monday.

This video has come from the blog site veloaficionado, whose creator is a humble, quiet, but very strong cyclist. His name is Robert Cobcroft.

He is a very entertaining and informative writer who has a massive amount of cycling experience. He is selective about his content, and approaches his blog articles from a somewhat different angle, giving you a view that makes his topics interesting and very readable.

A summary of Roberts article about the below video says that the producer, Allen Krughoff, wrote, filmed and produced the clip in two days!!

We hope you enjoy your first Monday funny, whether you have heard a cyclist say this during your ride, said it yourself, or been out on your early morning walk and had your peace and quiet broken by a peleton going past, and wondered what the hell they were yabbering about!

Click here to link to the video – its only 2 minutes long!

Thanks Robert in advance for the link !

Live, Laugh, Ride


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